Pierre Phalèse

(ca.1510 - ca.1573)

Flemish music publisher. He set up in business as a bookseller at Louvain in 1545, and began in 1551 to produce high-quality prints of music from movable type. His output included Masses, motets, and chansons (many by Clemens non Papa and other composers of the Low Countries, as well as Lassus and Rore), Magnificats, and pieces in French lute tablature (solos, accompanied songs, and works for more than one lute). He entered into partnership with Jean Bellère, a printer active at Antwerp, in 1570 to reach a wider audience and possibly to forestall competition from Plantin, the inheritor of Susato’s printing materials. In 1581 his son Pierre transferred the firm completely to Antwerp, where it flourished into the seventeenth century.

A Partial Pierre Phalèse Discography | IVE: Organ and Lute | IVG:Dance Music in the Renaissance  | IVI: The French Chanson | Early Music Printing