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A Partial Henry Loosemore Discography

AlbumTitle Subtitle Works Performers Record Label Catalog No
Hochrenaissance Serie M: Die Elisabethanische Epoche 1. O Lord, I lift my heart to Thee (Gibbons); 2. Thus angels sung (Gibbons); 3. Fantasia 1 a 3 (Gibbons); 4. Almighty and everlasting God (Gibbons); 5. O my love, how comely now (Gibbons); 6. Fantasia "In nomine" a 5 (Gibbons); 7. O Lord, increase my faith (Henry Loosemore); 8. This is the record of John (Gibbons); 9. What is our life? (Gibbons); 10. Fantasia II a 3 (Gibbons); 11. The silver swan (Gibbons); 12. Fantasia a 4 (Gibbons); 13. The Cries of London (Gibbons); 14. Good love, the fly thou to her (Morley); 15. Farewell, disdainful (Morley); 16. Farewell, disdainful (Morley); 17. Hark, jolly shepherds, hark (Morley); 18. Now is the gentle season/The fields abroad (Morley); 19. My lovely wanton jewel (Morley); 20. Sweet nymph, come to thy lover (Morley); 21. Stay, heart, run not so fast (Morley); 22. O grief, even on the bud (Morley) Deller Consortdir. Alfred Deller, Gambenconsort der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis dir. August Wenzinger [1-14]; Ambrosian Singers dir. Denis Stevens [15-22] Archiv Produktion 14 056/00289 479 1351

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