Antonio Bertali

(1605 - 1669)

Antonio Bertali

Italian composer, born in Venice in 1605 and died in Vienna in 1669. he arrived at the Viennese court around 1624 as an instrumentalist (a "valoroso nel violino"), and was soon entrusted,with producing music for special occasions. In 1649 he became Court Kapellmeister, and in that role he contributed a vast quantity of sacred music as well as brilliant instrumental sonatas; he also managed to establish a thriving opera scene at the Imperial Court., He also worked for the Episcopal court at Kremsier in Moravia, in the music archive of which a large number of instrumental works by him are still preserved. Antonio Bertali enjoyed considerable fame in several countries, especially as a composer of operas and ballets. The theoretician and composer Christoph Bernhard mentions him as a prime example of the stylus luxurians, or "theatrical style."

A Partial Antonio Bertali Discography  | VIIF: Ballet and Opera |  VE: The Sonata in Seventeenth Century Italy