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A Partial Johann Ludwig Bach Discography

AlbumTitle Subtitle Works Performers Record Label Catalog No
Bachiana ! Music by the Bach Family 1. Overture (Suite) for Strings, Two Oboes and Basso Continuo (Johann Ludwig Bach); 2. Sonata "a cinque" in C Major (Heinrich Bach); 3. Sonata "a cinque" in F Major (Heinrich Bach); 4. Sonata for Two Violins, Two Oboes, Strings and Basso Continuo in D Major (Johann Ludwig Bach); 5. Aria Erberliana pro dormente Camillo for Harpsichord (Johann Christoph Bach); 6. Battaglia - anno 1659 composta (Cyriacus Wilche); 7. Sonata and Fantaisie in G minor (Signr. Pagh); 8. Concertoi for Three Trumpets, Timpani, Two Oboes, Bassoon, Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - "Concerto" in D after BWV 249 (J.S. Bach) Musica Antiqua Köln dir. Reinhard Goebel Archiv Produktion 471- 150-2

Johann Ludwig Bach  |  VIF: Spiritual Concerto and Church Cantata  |  The Research Periods