A Partial Louis Grabu Discography

AlbumTitle Subtitle Works Performers Record Label Catalog No
Four and Twenty Fiddlers Music for the Restoration Court Violin Band 1. Curtain Tune in C major (Locke); 2. Incidental music for Thomas Shadwell's operatic version of Shakespeare's play 'The Tempest' (Locke/Robert Smith); 3. Suite of Brawles in B flat (Locke); 4. Suite in G minor (Locke); 5. Curtain Tune in D major (Locke); 6. The Musick att the Bath (Banister); 7. Incidental Music for Rochester's play 'Valentinian' (Grabu); 8. Concert of Venus from 'Albion and Albanus' (Grabu); 9. The Staircase Overture in B flat (Purcell); 10. Chacony in G minor (Purcell) The Parley of Instruments Renaissance Violin Banddir.Peter Holman Hyperion CDA 66667

Louis Grabu