Niccolò Antonio Zingarelli

(1752 - 1837)

Italian composer. He studied at the Conservatorio Santa Maria di Loreto with Fenaroli, Sacchini, Anfossi, and Speranza. His I quattro pazzi,an intermezzo, was performed there in 1768; his first opera, Montezuma,was produced in Naples at S. Carlo in 1781. He was named maestro di cappellaof the Milan Cathedral in 1793, at Loreto in 1794, at St. Peter's in Rome in 1804; in 1813 he took charge of the conservatory S. Pietro a Majella in Naples, and in 1816 became musical director at the Naples Cathedral. Among his more famous pupils were Mercadente and Bellini. He was a prolific composer. He wrote at least forty-one operas and a large amount of church music, including the oratorio La passione di Gesù Cristo(Milan, 1787) and seven other oratorios, many Masses, about fifty-five Magnificats, and twenty-three Te Deums. The so-called Annuale di Loretocontains 541 Psalms and propers. His secular vocal music includes approximately twenty cantatas. His symphonies (over fifty) and sonatas are mostly in one movement. He also wrote string quartets, pastorales for keyboard, and several duets.

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