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A Partial Christopher Tye Discography

AlbumTitle Subtitle Works Performers Record Label Catalog No
Elizabethan Songs and Consort Music 1. In Nomine No. 14 'Reporte'; 2. In Nomine No. 20 'Crye'; other works by Parsons, Mundy, Taverner, Farrant, Byrd, Pattrick, Bennet, Tallis Rose Consort of Viols, Catherine King (ms) Naxos 8.554284
Christopher Tye Missa Euge bone • Peccavimus 1. Quaesumus omnipotens et misericors Deus; 2. Missa Euge bone; 3. Give almes of thy goods; 4. Christ Rising; 5. Peccavimus cum patribus nostris; 6. Western Wynde Mass; 7. Nunc dimittis The Choir of Westminster Abbey dir. James O'Donnell Hyperion CDA67928
Christopher Tye 3 Masses 1. Western Wind; 2. Euge Bone; 3. Peterhouse Mass Ely Cathedral Choir dir.Paul Trepte ASV Gaudeamus CD GAU 190
Christopher Tye Cathedral Music 1. Kyrie 'Orbis factor'; 2. Gloria(Mass Euge Bone); 3. Credo(Mass Euge Bone); 4. Sanctus(Mass Euge Bone); 5. Benedictus(Mass Euge Bone); 6. Agnus Dei I (Mass Euge Bone); 7. Agnus Dei II (Mass Euge Bone); 8. Agnus Dei III(Mass Euge Bone); 9. Agnus Del IV(Mass Euge Bone); 10. Quaesumus ommipotens Deus; 11. Miserere mei, Deus; 12. Omnes gentes, plaudite minibus;13. Peccavimus cum patribus nostri Winchester Cathedral Choir dir.David Hill Helios CDH 55079
Christopher Tye Music of Christopher Tye 1. In pace in idipsum; 2. Gloria laus et honor; 3. Kyrie Obis factor; 4. Mass Euge Bone; 5. Quaesumus omnipotens et misericors deus; 6. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus; 7. Christ rising again from the dead; 8. I lift my heart to Thee; 9. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost; 10. From the Depth I called on Thee; 11. Deliver us, Good Lord; 12. Give Alms of The Goods; 13. Nunc Dimittis Cambridge University Chamber Choir dir. Timothy Brown Guild GMCD 7121
Christopher Tye°William Mundy Choral Works 1. Omnes gentes; 2, Missa Euge bone; 3. Peccavimus; other works by Mundy Oxford Camerata dir.Jeremy Summerly Naxos 8.550937
Christopher Tye Complete Consort Music 1. In nomine a4; 2. In nomine 'Trust'; 3. In nomine 'Rachel's weeping'; 4. Dum transisset Sabbatum I; 5. Laudes Deo; 6. In nomine 'Free from all'; 7. In nomine 'Round'; 8. In nomine 'Weep no more, Rachel'; 9. In nomine 'Say so'; 10. In nomine 'Follow me'; 11. Christus resurgens; 12. In nomine 'Cry'; 13 .Rubum quem; 14. In nomine 'Hold fast'; 15. In nomine 'Seldom seen'; 16. In nomine 'Re la re'; 17. Dum transisset Sabbatum III; 18. Sit fast (prima et secunda pars); 19. In nomine 'Surrexit non est hic'; 20 .In nomine 'Believe me'; 21. In nomine 'Report'; 22. In nomine a5; 23. In nomine 'I come'; 24. Dum transisset Sabbatum II; 25. O lux beata Trinitas; 26. In nomine 'My death bed'; 27. In nomine 'Blameless'; 28. In nomine 'Farewell my good one forever'; 29. Dum transisset Sabbatum IV; 30. Amavit eum Dominus; 31. In nomine a6 Phantasm Linn CKD571
Christopher Tye Lawdes Deo 1. O Lux a 5; 2. In Nomine a 4; 3. In Nomine a 5 'Weepe no more Rachell'; 4. In Nomine a 6; 5. In Nomine a 5 'Farwell my good I for ever'; 6. In Nomine a 5 'Rachells weepinge'; 7. Rubum Quem a 5; 8. In Nomine a 5 'My death'; 9. In Nomine a 5 'Blamles'; 10. In Nomine a 5; 11. In Nomine a 5 'Rounde'; 12. In Nomine a 5 'Follow me'; 13. Christus Resurgens a 5; 14-17. Dum Transisset a 5; 18. Amavit a 5; 19. In Nomine a 5 'Surrexit non est hicc'; 20. In Nomine a 5 'Free from all'; 21. In Nomine a 5 'Trust'; 22. In Nomine a 5 'Beleve me'; 23. In Nomine a 5 'Crye'; 24. Lawdes Deo a 5; 25. In Nomine a 5 'I come'; 26. In Nomine a 5 'Re to re'; 27. In Nomine a 5 'Howld fast'; 28. In Nomine a 5 'Saye so'; 29. In Nomine a 5 'Seldom sene'; 30. In Nomine a 5 'Reporte'; 31. Sit Fast a 3 Hesperion XX dir.Jordi Savall Astreé ES9939
Music at All Souls, Oxford The Lancastrians to the Tudors 1. Ad te clasmamus; others by 'Roy Henry', Power, Dunstable, Lambe, Davy, Merbecke, Tallis, Sheppard, Sturgeon, Parsons, White The Cardinall's Musick dir. Andrew Carwood ASV Gaudeamus CD GAU 196
For His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts English Music from Henry VIII to Charles II 1. In nomine XI: Farwell my good one, for ever; 2. In nomine IV: Howld fast; 3. In nomine XIX: Crye; others by Henry VIII, Alwood, Byrd, Bull, Coprario, Brade, etc. His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts Hyperion CDA 66894
A Candle in the Dark Elizabethan Songs and Consort Music 1. In Nomine XIII "Trust"; 2. Sit Fast; others by Byrd, Dowland, Picforth, William Mundy, Campion, Ferrabosco, John Johnson, White Ellen Hargis (s), Drew Minter (ct), The Newberry Consort dir. Mary Springfels Harmonia Mundi HMU 907140
The Spirit of Gambo English Consort and Solo Viol Music 1570-1680 1. Sit Fast (Tye); 2. Lachrimae Gementes (Dowland); 3. The Earle of Essex Galliarde (Dowland); 4. Harke, harke (Hume); 5. A Souldiers Resolution (Hume); 6. Fantasia V (Coprario); 7. Almaine III (Coprario); 8. Coranto (Coprario); 9. Fantasie X (Gibbons); 10. In Nomine (Gibbons); 11. Almaine (Ferrabosco II); 12. Coranto I (Ferrabosco II); 13. Coranto II (Ferrabosoco II); 14. The bell Pavan (Jenkins); 15. Walsingham (Corkine); 16. The Punckes delight (Corkine); 17. Suite No. II in D minor-major (Locke); 18. The Lancashire Pipes (Anon.); 19. Fantasia IX (Purcell); 20. Fantasia upon one note (Purcell) Hesperion XXdir.Jordi Savall Fontalis ES 9913
Christopher Tye Euge Bone/Western Wynde 1. Euge Bone Mass; 2. Western Wynde Mass Choir of King's College, Cambridge dir.David Willcocks Argo ZRG 740(LP)
Musicke Of Sundrie Kindes 1. In nomine; others on 4-LP set The Consort of Musicke dir.Anthony Rooley L'Oiseau Lyre DSLO 203-6(LP)
Western Wind Masses Taverner | Tye | Sheppard Western Wind Masses The Tallis Scholars dir.Peter Phillips Gimell CDGIM 027
Byrd, Morley, Holborne, Purcell, u. a. Englische Musik für Blockflöten und Gamben-Consort 1. In nomine ("Crye") a 5; other works by Holborne, Morley, Taverner, Gibbons, Byrd, Bevin, Simpson, Jeffreys, Purcell Brüggen-consort dir.Frans Brüggen Das Alte Werke 6.41074AS(LP)
Blockflötenmusik der Renaissance Recorder Music--England 1. In Nomine "Trust"; other works by Henry VIII, Taverner, Morley, Bull, Holborne, Ferrabosco II, Ward, Coperario, Lupo, Brade Wiener Blockflötenensemble Das Alte Werke 6.42356AW(LP)
Madrigale und Orgelmusik der Englischen Renaissance 1. When that the fifty day was come; others by Carleton, Tallis, Redford, Gibbons, Tomkins, Weelkes, Edwards, Byrd, Shelbye, Dowland, Blitheman, Morley The London Ambrosian Singers dir. John McCarthy Polyhymnia 1995 (LP)

Christopher Tye  |  IV M: England Through 1635