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AlbumTitle | Subtitle | Works | Performers | Record Label | Catalog No |
Elizabethan Songs and Consort Music | 1. In Nomine No. 14 'Reporte'; 2. In Nomine No. 20 'Crye'; other works by Parsons, Mundy, Taverner, Farrant, Byrd, Pattrick, Bennet, Tallis | Rose Consort of Viols, Catherine King (ms) | Naxos | 8.554284 | |
Christopher Tye | Missa Euge bone • Peccavimus | 1. Quaesumus omnipotens et misericors Deus; 2. Missa Euge bone; 3. Give almes of thy goods; 4. Christ Rising; 5. Peccavimus cum patribus nostris; 6. Western Wynde Mass; 7. Nunc dimittis | The Choir of Westminster Abbey dir. James O'Donnell | Hyperion | CDA67928 |
Christopher Tye | 3 Masses | 1. Western Wind; 2. Euge Bone; 3. Peterhouse Mass | Ely Cathedral Choir dir.Paul Trepte | ASV Gaudeamus | CD GAU 190 |
Christopher Tye | Cathedral Music | 1. Kyrie 'Orbis factor'; 2. Gloria(Mass Euge Bone); 3. Credo(Mass Euge Bone); 4. Sanctus(Mass Euge Bone); 5. Benedictus(Mass Euge Bone); 6. Agnus Dei I (Mass Euge Bone); 7. Agnus Dei II (Mass Euge Bone); 8. Agnus Dei III(Mass Euge Bone); 9. Agnus Del IV(Mass Euge Bone); 10. Quaesumus ommipotens Deus; 11. Miserere mei, Deus; 12. Omnes gentes, plaudite minibus;13. Peccavimus cum patribus nostri | Winchester Cathedral Choir dir.David Hill | Helios | CDH 55079 |
Christopher Tye | Music of Christopher Tye | 1. In pace in idipsum; 2. Gloria laus et honor; 3. Kyrie Obis factor; 4. Mass Euge Bone; 5. Quaesumus omnipotens et misericors deus; 6. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus; 7. Christ rising again from the dead; 8. I lift my heart to Thee; 9. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost; 10. From the Depth I called on Thee; 11. Deliver us, Good Lord; 12. Give Alms of The Goods; 13. Nunc Dimittis | Cambridge University Chamber Choir dir. Timothy Brown | Guild | GMCD 7121 |
Christopher Tye°William Mundy | Choral Works | 1. Omnes gentes; 2, Missa Euge bone; 3. Peccavimus; other works by Mundy | Oxford Camerata dir.Jeremy Summerly | Naxos | 8.550937 |
Christopher Tye | Complete Consort Music | 1. In nomine a4; 2. In nomine 'Trust'; 3. In nomine 'Rachel's weeping'; 4. Dum transisset Sabbatum I; 5. Laudes Deo; 6. In nomine 'Free from all'; 7. In nomine 'Round'; 8. In nomine 'Weep no more, Rachel'; 9. In nomine 'Say so'; 10. In nomine 'Follow me'; 11. Christus resurgens; 12. In nomine 'Cry'; 13 .Rubum quem; 14. In nomine 'Hold fast'; 15. In nomine 'Seldom seen'; 16. In nomine 'Re la re'; 17. Dum transisset Sabbatum III; 18. Sit fast (prima et secunda pars); 19. In nomine 'Surrexit non est hic'; 20 .In nomine 'Believe me'; 21. In nomine 'Report'; 22. In nomine a5; 23. In nomine 'I come'; 24. Dum transisset Sabbatum II; 25. O lux beata Trinitas; 26. In nomine 'My death bed'; 27. In nomine 'Blameless'; 28. In nomine 'Farewell my good one forever'; 29. Dum transisset Sabbatum IV; 30. Amavit eum Dominus; 31. In nomine a6 | Phantasm | Linn | CKD571 |
Christopher Tye | Lawdes Deo | 1. O Lux a 5; 2. In Nomine a 4; 3. In Nomine a 5 'Weepe no more Rachell'; 4. In Nomine a 6; 5. In Nomine a 5 'Farwell my good I for ever'; 6. In Nomine a 5 'Rachells weepinge'; 7. Rubum Quem a 5; 8. In Nomine a 5 'My death'; 9. In Nomine a 5 'Blamles'; 10. In Nomine a 5; 11. In Nomine a 5 'Rounde'; 12. In Nomine a 5 'Follow me'; 13. Christus Resurgens a 5; 14-17. Dum Transisset a 5; 18. Amavit a 5; 19. In Nomine a 5 'Surrexit non est hicc'; 20. In Nomine a 5 'Free from all'; 21. In Nomine a 5 'Trust'; 22. In Nomine a 5 'Beleve me'; 23. In Nomine a 5 'Crye'; 24. Lawdes Deo a 5; 25. In Nomine a 5 'I come'; 26. In Nomine a 5 'Re to re'; 27. In Nomine a 5 'Howld fast'; 28. In Nomine a 5 'Saye so'; 29. In Nomine a 5 'Seldom sene'; 30. In Nomine a 5 'Reporte'; 31. Sit Fast a 3 | Hesperion XX dir.Jordi Savall | Astreé | ES9939 |
Music at All Souls, Oxford | The Lancastrians to the Tudors | 1. Ad te clasmamus; others by 'Roy Henry', Power, Dunstable, Lambe, Davy, Merbecke, Tallis, Sheppard, Sturgeon, Parsons, White | The Cardinall's Musick dir. Andrew Carwood | ASV Gaudeamus | CD GAU 196 |
For His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts | English Music from Henry VIII to Charles II | 1. In nomine XI: Farwell my good one, for ever; 2. In nomine IV: Howld fast; 3. In nomine XIX: Crye; others by Henry VIII, Alwood, Byrd, Bull, Coprario, Brade, etc. | His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts | Hyperion | CDA 66894 |
A Candle in the Dark | Elizabethan Songs and Consort Music | 1. In Nomine XIII "Trust"; 2. Sit Fast; others by Byrd, Dowland, Picforth, William Mundy, Campion, Ferrabosco, John Johnson, White | Ellen Hargis (s), Drew Minter (ct), The Newberry Consort dir. Mary Springfels | Harmonia Mundi | HMU 907140 |
The Spirit of Gambo | English Consort and Solo Viol Music 1570-1680 | 1. Sit Fast (Tye); 2. Lachrimae Gementes (Dowland); 3. The Earle of Essex Galliarde (Dowland); 4. Harke, harke (Hume); 5. A Souldiers Resolution (Hume); 6. Fantasia V (Coprario); 7. Almaine III (Coprario); 8. Coranto (Coprario); 9. Fantasie X (Gibbons); 10. In Nomine (Gibbons); 11. Almaine (Ferrabosco II); 12. Coranto I (Ferrabosco II); 13. Coranto II (Ferrabosoco II); 14. The bell Pavan (Jenkins); 15. Walsingham (Corkine); 16. The Punckes delight (Corkine); 17. Suite No. II in D minor-major (Locke); 18. The Lancashire Pipes (Anon.); 19. Fantasia IX (Purcell); 20. Fantasia upon one note (Purcell) | Hesperion XXdir.Jordi Savall | Fontalis | ES 9913 |
Christopher Tye | Euge Bone/Western Wynde | 1. Euge Bone Mass; 2. Western Wynde Mass | Choir of King's College, Cambridge dir.David Willcocks | Argo | ZRG 740(LP) |
Musicke Of Sundrie Kindes | 1. In nomine; others on 4-LP set | The Consort of Musicke dir.Anthony Rooley | L'Oiseau Lyre | DSLO 203-6(LP) | |
Western Wind Masses | Taverner | Tye | Sheppard | Western Wind Masses | The Tallis Scholars dir.Peter Phillips | Gimell | CDGIM 027 |
Byrd, Morley, Holborne, Purcell, u. a. | Englische Musik für Blockflöten und Gamben-Consort | 1. In nomine ("Crye") a 5; other works by Holborne, Morley, Taverner, Gibbons, Byrd, Bevin, Simpson, Jeffreys, Purcell | Brüggen-consort dir.Frans Brüggen | Das Alte Werke | 6.41074AS(LP) |
Blockflötenmusik der Renaissance | Recorder Music--England | 1. In Nomine "Trust"; other works by Henry VIII, Taverner, Morley, Bull, Holborne, Ferrabosco II, Ward, Coperario, Lupo, Brade | Wiener Blockflötenensemble | Das Alte Werke | 6.42356AW(LP) |
Madrigale und Orgelmusik der Englischen Renaissance | 1. When that the fifty day was come; others by Carleton, Tallis, Redford, Gibbons, Tomkins, Weelkes, Edwards, Byrd, Shelbye, Dowland, Blitheman, Morley | The London Ambrosian Singers dir. John McCarthy | Polyhymnia | 1995 (LP) |