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A Partial Thomas Roseingrave Discography

AlbumTitle Subtitle Works Performers Record Label Catalog No
English 18th Century Keyboard Concertos 1. Chaconne in G Major (Handel); 2. Organ Concerto movement in D minor (Handel); 3. Organ Concerto in D Major (Thomas Roseingrave); 4. Concerto in A Major (Thomas Chilcott); 5. Concert/Sonata in G Major (James Nares); 6. Piano Concerto No 4 in A Major (Philip Hayes); 7. Concert in D Major (James Hook) Paul Nicholson (hpsd, fortepiano, org), The Parley of Instruments dir. Paul Nicholson Helios CDH55341

Thomas Roseingrave  |  The Research Periods