English organist and composer. Choirboy of St Paul's Cathedral under Mulliner in the 1580s. Studied at Oxford until 1613, earning a B.Mus. in 1613, and then Master of the Boys of Canterbury Cathedral in the same year. He became, in 1624 or 1625 organist and choirmaster of St Paul's Cathedral; he may be the 'Martin Pearson' who was sacrist at Westminster Abbey from 1623 to 1630. His Private Musick of 1620 contains secular songs for one or two voices and viols and virginals; the Motets or Grave Chamber Music (1630), which contains two very fine songs of mourning, requires various combinations of voice and instruments with continuo, and is more forward-looking in style. He contributed to Leighton's Tearesand Ravenscroft's psalter, and composed consort music in a relatively simple style as well as descriptive keyboard pieces. Four keyboard pieces in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book. Published Mottets or Grave Chamber Musique, Containing Songs of five parts of severall sorts, some ful. and some Verse and Chorus ... with an Organ Part ..(1639)..