The Composers (and some others)
- Martin Agricola (real name Sore)
- Loys Bourgeois
- Jobst von Brandt
- Sethus Calvisius [Seth Kalwitz]
- Jean Caulery
- Sixt Dietrich
- Gallus Dressler
- Benedictus Ducis
- Johannes Eccard
- Nicolaus Faber
- Johannes Galliculus (Hennel)
- Bartholomäus Gesius
- Claude Goudimel
- Matthias Greiter
- Adam Gumpelzhaimer
- Hans Leo Hassler
- Jacob Meiland
- Rogier Michael
- Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel (known as 'The Learned')
- Leonhard Paminger
- Balthasar Resinarius (Harzer)
- Georg Rhaw
- Thomas Selle
- Johann Stobäus
- Melchior Vulpius
- Johannes Walter
Supplemental Materials
Midi and MP3 Files
Poetry and Prose
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